4 June 2010

Bog Roll on the Blog Roll

If you are a frequent visitor of Blogs you will have heard about 'The Gallery' at Sticky Fingers.
Of course if you happen to live in a cave or somewhere similarly dark and barren, or a tent in a field or...Oh, you do? Okay, in that case I shall briefly enlighten you. 
T'is a wonderful place, The Gallery. A virtual gallery full of photos posted by bloggers from all over the world based on a prompt set once a week by the lovely Tara.

This week, whilst perusing all the brilliant entries, and leaving comments, I happened upon this one by Nickie at Typecast, which started a string of comments about how this particular subject matter might well be a fun and wonderfully silly thing to do. One of the comments, left by Jenny at Mummy Mishaps even came up with the very apt and witty name for this post.

I want pictures of your Loo Rolls.  Yes, seriously, I do, I do!

Do you have issues with your tissues?
Apparently many people are anal about whether it rolls from the back or the front. Eh? What? Really? (No, not you in the tent!) Are you hung up on the colour. Or do you really not give a s**t. Are you a closet, or out and proud, toilet tissue snob?
Does it have to be quilted or must you have puppies on it? I personally always feel rather sad for the ickle puppies. 
Or will any old crap do, as it's all just going down the pan anyway?
Do you have a secret stash for those toilet related emergencies?
Are you the owner of a EU size mountain of the stuff, stockpiling it in the manner of Nickie, who appears to have insider knowledge that the 'End of The World is Nigh' and of course the most important item is..err...loo roll?
Maybe you want to get creative with a loo roll (..or not?) Take a photo and link it. Of course you can just take a bog standard pic of your loo roll on/in its holder, or under the dolly with its knitted dress on if you feel so inclined. Just share it. 

You can do a post if you prefer, a rant, rave or whinge like I did here, about how many you get through, and why they never, ever seem to get changed by anyone but us Mums (cos obviously no one else in the house has hands or bums). Feel free. But it doesn't have to be a post - just a picture with a link to your blog is fine. As long as it involves Bog Rolls, get it on here! It's all a bit of fun...

If you feel the urge and want join in, all you have to do is click on the Mr Mcklinky link below, and link a photo (or post) of your Bog roll/s.  It's that simple.
Here's mine..she is a thing of beauty. Big and curvaceous in all the right places, impressively smooth and rounded with ample room for many...
Okay *tut* it's the holder I'm talking about, but it still counts...
Also, have a closer look. Have you spotted it yet? 
The roll is sideways on. The paper rolls 'over the top' and 'under'. *gasp*
...now that's a real dilemma for some of you...I can almost feel you twitching from here...

Actually just the thought of lots of bloggers trying to capture images of their loo rolls makes me giggle like a small child *snort*. 
Because in all honesty, who doesn't love a bit of toilet humour?
So 'roll up-roll up' and start clicking...