But as my Mum and Step-dad were leaving today, I felt I should make the effort.
I'm glad I did now.
We drove to a little village just outside Brighton called Kingston, it's small you'd miss it if you blinked, it's not on the way to anywhere so I'd never even heard of it. OH had told us it had a very pretty, old little pub where we could have a late lunch. It may have been the slow, gentle amble the 3 of us took (we left OH nursing his beer at the pub!) through the village toward the 13th century church, past tiny pretty cottages with overblown gardens, with two of us taking lots of photos.
Or it could've been the peacefulness of the location, as other than crickets, birdsong and church bells it was silent, but I now feel a little better. I'm really not sure why?
Here are some of the photos I took as we wandered.
Very soothing, what do you think?