Last week, one of her Tutors took all the students down to Brighton seafront, cameras at the ready....
Very brave tutor. Imagine if you can, 20 to 30, 16 yr olds, running amok with cameras! I think I'd have been hiding in the nearest cafe with a stiff cup of tea...11am being a little too early for anything stronger..
According to TD it was a fun morning, and she managed to get her photos taken just before the skies opened up, and the rain came heaving down, sending everyone running for cover. She was so endearingly enthusiastic about the whole thing she could hardly 'talk' in a straight line when she came home.
Telling us how she had even laid down along a sea wall to try and get more interesting angles, and the fact she had managed to get a couple of shots of the 'carousel' horses & poles being moved and cleaned.
All the students developed their negatives on Monday this week, apparently amid much hysterical laughter & probably some very ripe, Teenage language, as they all fought to remove the film from the canisters inside a developing bag, and into a developing tank, in theory, blind-folded.
Today they got to play with the 'Dark Room' stuff, and print off their photos. TD says she finds it a little claustrophobic in there, with big developing trays down the centre, and enlargers/workstations down both sides. When we looked at it before her course started, I did think it looked a little like a morgue..all those stainless steel tables.....Ugh..shudder...
So, this is TD's first ever contact sheet....

And she was right, the '3 carousel horses' is a good shot. But my favourite is of the 'poles'.
I think she needs to work on the technical stuff, but then that's why she's there, that side of it will come with time and practice, but the girl has a 'good eye'.
Given the ups & downs of the last few weeks, with her wanting to drop courses, drop out of everything etc, I'm so, so happy & a little relieved that she's now enjoying her time in college.
Isn't it fabulous to watch them learn and grow?? They are absolutely fascinating. And to see them really interested in something and wanting to better themselves at it....I'm at a loss for words. Good for her!! (And you, for raising her!)
ReplyDeleteAwesome!!! I'm here getting caught up on blog reading, finally! Happy Thursday!
ReplyDeleteIt just takes time to get there. I always suspected 16 to be such a young age to start concentrating on a career choice but then many of us go on to change careers as life moves on. Hopefully she's found a route to follow.
ReplyDeleteWow! They're great. You're right - she does have a good eye. I love the carousel horses and you have every right to be proud
ReplyDeleteI remember my first 'dark room' experience. So great that kids have the chance to still work with a film camera and developing it.
ReplyDeleteI think she did brilliantly and should be encouraged to carry on snapping away. I love that donut photo, where you can someone at the other end.
Interesting. My husband is a professional photographer, and the industry is almost all, digital now. But good idea to get back to basics. Lovely to have a daughter who is enthusiastic at that age.