I was asked if I would review the Hairy Bikers 'Mums know best' DVD, which is released today, 14th February (Oh yes, Happy Valentines Day!). This is to coincide with the second series...YAY! Whoop Whoop...
Now, I'll admit, this was never going to be a great hardship for me. For one, I love cooking and love watching cookery programmes, Jamie, Gordon, Nigella, all of them. Secondly I happen to really enjoy watching these two in action and thirdly I'm a Mum, so this was about me, yes? Cause I always know best...just ask my kids (Ahem..cough...okay, maybe not then)
If you've never seen Simon King and David Myers AKA The Hairy Bikers in their BBC2 series (er...just where have you been??) then you've missed a real treat. These two are on a mission to save great British recipes; the sort maybe your Granny or Mum cooked for you when you were growing up, the foods and recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation and stood the test of time.
One of the classic comedy moments on the DVD is watching them cook 'Pan Haggerty' a lovely savoury one pan supper of sliced potatoes, bacon, carrot and onion topped with cheese with a side of pretzels, outside. "It's like a Gordie fondue". With the wonderfully ironic line 'It's a dry dough' for the pretzels, whilst it's raining stair rods and they're cooking under HUGE golfing umbrellas!
Mum, Harjinda shows how to make a basic Masala Sauce which can be used for almost any curry and she makes it in extra large quantities (I now have a real urge to go buy industrial sized cookware!) to freeze and use whenever needed. She has also filmed herself making the sauce and kept it on video for her daughters and daughters-in-law, pass it on.
This is a recipe I had actually already started using after seeing it on the series when it was aired. You can then just add any extra spices as necessary and it really speeds up the whole process of cooking an authentic Indian dish. A woman after my own heart...
They also have enormous fun, in a race against the clock, testing various cooking implements, old and new, to see which ones really are the best. With some interesting results...
The DVD is a wonderful way of preserving some of those traditional dishes, loved by us all, and presented by Si and Dave in a fun, friendly 'Go on, get your hands in there' way. My Teen D who coincidently is currently studying Catering (wonder where she got that from then?) and I thoroughly enjoyed it....yum yum...
*Disclaimer: I received no payment for this review*